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Smarter Module Marketplace For your Smart Accounts
Extending your smart accounts is now as easy and secure as installing an app on your smart phone


ZenGuard stands as a pioneering app store dedicated to smart contract wallets. Here, developers can easily publish and monetize their cutting-edge features, while users seamlessly enhance their accounts with top-tier security measures and user-friendly upgrades. Each feature is meticulously crafted as a Safe modules, ensuring a secure and streamlined experience for all users involved.

At ZenGuard, we have designed a platform for publishing, exploring, and enabling these modules. Understanding that the security of these modules is of utmost importance, we will be onboarding module auditors through our module dashboard.

ZenGuard provides all these with the help of platform that:

  1. Onboards developers to build and publish modules, streamlining the development process.
  2. Onboards auditors to provide security assurance through onchain audit attestations for modules
  3. A module marketplace for Safe account users to exlpore, enable and upgrade the modules

ℹ️ BACKGROUND: Safe Modules:

Safe Modules enable Safe Accounts to add additional custom features in the form of standardized Smart Contracts. These smart contract logic can be anything from Social Recovery, Passkey Auth, Session Key to DeFi Automation, and much more. We have created a non-exhaustive list here .

A few of these modules can be:
  • Session keys : Allow third part application to perform transaction on user's behalf with a session key with limited capability.
  • Transaction limit : Limit the transactions based on number of transactions/ daily spend limit etc.
  • Auto payment : Allow account to make auto payments at a regular interval.